Stella (PC+Quest) **Free Code in Server**
$5 USD or Free in Server~! PC+QUEST
VCC 2022 UNITY - VRCFury - Unlit Fur Shader (PC)
- Sweater Toggle, Puppy Plushie Toggle, Long Hair and Short Hair Bun Toggle, Ears Toggle, Tail Toggle, Glasses Toggle, Earrings Toggle, and Choker Toggle ~Plus Marker for PC and Quest~
- Hair Emission PC ONLY , Hair Color Hue (Black, White, Blonde, Brunette, and Red), Hair Tips Hue
- Skin tone Radial
- Everything Hue Shift
- White to Black Hue Shifts on Sweater, Pants, and Shoes
Has Gogo Locomotion
Phys Bones for PC are located
- Ears, Tail, Earrings, Long Hair, Short Hair Bun, Bows on Hips, Body, and Puppy Plushie
- Colliders are located - Head, Spine, Shoulders, Chest, and Floor
Dynamics for Quest are located
-Body, Short Hair Bun, Tail, Ears, and Ears on Puppy Plushie
-Colliders are located - Head, Spine, Shoulders, Chest, and Floor
Body Head- Sugs#9795 (SFW Cut - Sculpting done by myself)
Eyelashes/Eye Brows(PC Only) Short Hair Long Hair Face Texture- Nessy!#7402
Bra Sweater Pants Eye Texture (Nitro Asset) Shoes Tattoos (Nitro Asset)- B o o#8584
Ears Glasses Plushie (Nitro Asset) Underwear Piercings Choker Tail Freckles on Face & Body Earrings- Made by me SockEmBopEm#2131
Gogo- franada#0001
Pen (Quest +PC) - MagicDed
Unlit_WF_ShaderSuite_20221022 Fur Shader
Pictures - fusty5203, sakuramamii, and snowbunniex
You are NOT allowed to take/reuse ANY assets (meshes, mesh edits, textures, texture edits, icons, etc.) off this model for your own (personal or commercial) use. MUST purchase/obtain all assets from the appropriate creators (listed in credits).
My avatars can only be uploaded as private and no leaking pls (I try to do a bunch of free codes because I know times are tough and I love giving back to you all!)
- Open up VCC and create a project
- Add Unlit_WF_ShaderSuite_20221022 Fur Shader into the VCC Project per the directions on this website
- Add VRC Fury, then open the project, add Poi 7.3 to 8.1 and the avatar package
- Use Photo provided with Package for Picture in Uploading purposes
- Last step is to then upload!
- Open up VCC and create a project
- Add VRC Fury and import the avatar Quest Package
- Copy the Blueprint ID from the PC Upload in the Pipeline Manager and paste it into the Blue print ID under the Pipeline Manger in the Quest project
- Then Upload!